Victoria had the talent of self preservation. Throughout Twilight, New Moon, and most of Eclipse, she was not able to be tracked. At the end of the book in Breaking Dawn, Victoria's name DOES have a star next to it for this very reason. She was able to be caught by the Cullan's and wolf pack.
Bella's power in Breaking Dawn is that she is a shield, she is immune to any of the other vampires powers, and she learns to cast her shield over others to protect them as well.
Bella's power is actually that of extreme self control; Carlisle guesses this himself. Bella had the shield even before she was a vampire, she only learnt to control it and cast it over others when she turned into a vampire.
She has a gift of a shield that Aro sent her as a wedding gift she had self control because she knew that the culluns do not drink human blood and she knew about vampires so she knew what she was and did not always breath while humans were around, she only breathed around Renesmee and Jacob.
Aro sent to her as a wedding gift?! Yeah, sure, why not? So Jane can't hurt Bella because Aro wanted to get something nice for Bella in her marriage? People don't understand, that it is actually self control.
Bella's powers is a shield. People think that she got the powers when she was a vanpire but she's always had the power, that's why edward can't read her mind and the Voltury's powers don't work on her. Later on in the book she learns how to use her powers and shield other people too.
Bella's power is a shield. She can protect herself from mind attacks and is immune to powers that involve/work on the mind. She learns to cast her shield over other people too so they then are immune to mind powers and attacks. Mind powers didnt work on her before she was a vampire, which suggested that her power was strong is it manifested itself while she was a human, but it took her transformation to be able to explore it's full potential. I don't think that her power was her restraint and amazing self control. I think that this is just a combination of her being ready to be a vampire and being aware of what it would be like for her so she was prepared for her life as a vampire. I also think that is was partly down to her personality as well, as she is naturally good and as it is mentioned in the books, she didn't want to kill humans, not only because they were human, but because she might also know them. I don't think her level of self control over her vampire instincts is her power.
Bella's talent is that she is a shield to other talents that work inside the mind.
Bella's power is the Shield power which is what kept Edward from reading her thoughts when she was human. It also works on any other power that effects her mentally but it doesn't work if the power affects her physically. The shield power can protect herself or anyone she wants but only if they are not too far away.
Make sure you have read ALL the books, or prepared to be spoiled! In the book Twilight, Bella does not have a power. But later on in the books she does eventually turn into a vampire. She then soon discovers she has a special power. Bella is the 'shield'. Basically, Bella can protect others around her from physical pain. And that is the reason why Edward cannot read her thoughts!
Bella's power is what Elazar refers to as a shield in the 4th book - Breaking Dawn.
Bella's 'power' after she is turned into a vampire is a shield. She can stretch it to shield other people too. Hope it helps!!
Bella's power is the love shield which protects all the people she loves from mind power such as mind reading. it is actually just a mind shield she can propel to all around her which will protect form mind reading , tracking and Jane or alecs powers
Bella has a mental shield around her brain. when she was a human, she could only stop people from entering her mind, like Edward- but when she became a vampire, she was able to project her shield outwards, and protect others minds too. this was very helpful when she came up against the volturi in breaking dawn, as Felix couldn't incapacitate anyone, and Jane couldn't hurt anyone.
just an extra snippet: Bella's shield only works on mental 'talents', i am pretty sure she cannot protect anyone from physical harm. (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)
You're not wrong, your totally right. Bella's power only works on the things that affect your head, but for other things, like jasper's emotion control, it has no effect whatsoever.
She can protect a bunch of vampires or humans for example aro can see your future by tuching you kinda like Alice but not the tuching part she can stop aro from seeing their future
Bella's power is all of the powers in all the twilight years so mind reading, future seeing and strength and lots of others.
Victoria is a nomadic American vampire in twilight. She meets the Cullen's and Bella during a Baseball match. In twilight Edward kills James, Victoria's mate. That's why till Eclipse the is out to kill Edwards mate Bella......
Rachelle Lefevre played Victoria.
James and Victoria are in love. So, in a way, i guess he does love her and the attention she gives him.
the actress who plays Victoria is called Rachelle Lefevre hope that is what you were looking for! x
Rachel Lefeve or Leferve or something like that plays Victoria in the first Twilight movie. It has now been announced that she will not be playing Victoria in the following movies, the new director's daughter is playing it. (It's always good to know that nepitism is alive and well. Not. Sorry, just my opinion.)
in the woods
Victoria doesn't die in Twilight she dies in Eclipse where Edward beheads her
No - Victoria is an antagonist throughout the books of the Twilight series, including Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse.
Victoria's second name in the Twilight series is Sutherland.
Rachelle Lefevré played Victoria in Twilight.
Victoria is the mate of the villain, the tracker James.
James is Victoria's mate, lover, and husband.
Rachelle Lefevre played Victoria.
James and Victoria are in love. So, in a way, i guess he does love her and the attention she gives him.
the actress who plays Victoria is called Rachelle Lefevre hope that is what you were looking for! x
no she dies in Eclipse