That's in New Moon when Bella finds out she can hear Edward's voice when doing something risky or dangerous. They went to go see Dead End
They go to Port Angeles.
The guy in Port Angeles calls Bella Sugar.
After Edward saves Bella from those strangers, they went to a restaurant called La Bella Italia which is in real life is a real restaurant but in real life it's called Bella Italia. In Port Angeles They go in and Bella is served mushroom ravioli and the waitress is dazled by Edwards god like face. Hope this helps. :D
he was looking threw jessica mind and noticed she had left them. then he was scannning random peoples minds and saw her about to be killed by a group of men. one of the men looked at the street sign and edward came in his care and took her away.
In The Book New Moon Bella and Jessica go out to see a movie called Dead End. During this part Bella gets up and gets a dring then some popcorn and she hardly saw the movie...Then Bella and Jessica go to eat dinner but on their way there Bella spots some guys and she thinks she knows one of them. Bella walks slowly to where the guys are and she looks at a sign on the building and she was heading for a bar and when she is crossing the street Jessica is telling her to come back but Bella does not listen to her. Jessica has been telling Bella to come back when she heard a voice...but its not Jessica's voice its a voice she HAS heard before. Its a voice like no other its a musical voice...Its Edward's Voice!!!!! He is telling her to turn around and go back to Jessica but Bella just keeps walking and she found out how to talk to the voice in her head...she has to think what she is saying to talk to this voice. The voice keeps telling her to go back and she says no and Jessica tells her to go back and she keeps walking till she gets close to the man she has been staring at and says nothing. The man said hi and if he can buy her a drink. Bella just said no and walked a way!!!!!This what I have read from the best book in my experience of reading and I really loved it. That is what i really liked 'bout the book... Hoped u like what i wrote and thx for reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYEEEEE PEOPLE WHO READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! urs trulyPromise Ponce!!!!
In the book, Bella goes to Port Angeles with Jessica. Angela doesn't accompany them on this particular outing.
Jessica Stanley and Angela Webber in the movies and in the books I think she goes alone?
Port Angeles
jessica and Angela then edward shows up later
They go to Port Angeles.
the first time Bella hears edward's voice is when she is in Port Angeles with Jessica.
The guy in Port Angeles calls Bella Sugar.
they play it when edward and Bella are in the restraunt at port angeles (:
when Bella and edward are having dinner in port angeles? let me sign - by Robert pattinson
In the book he calls her "Sugar." In the movie they just say "Where you goin', girl?"
He follows her