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The guy in Port Angeles calls Bella Sugar.

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Q: What name does man from Port Angeles call Bella?
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What is the name of the restraunt edward takes Bella to in Port Angeles?

la Bella italia

What is the name of the resturaunt edward takes Bella to?

It is called 'La Bella Italia'. It's in Port Angeles in the book.

In twilight what was the name of the waitress in port angeles?

The waitress in Port Angeles in the Twilight series is named Wanda. She works at the restaurant where Bella and Edward have their first date.

What is the name of the bookstore Bella went to in Twilight?

The bookstore in Twilight is in Port Angeles!

What is the name of the restaurant that Edward takes Bella to in Port Angeles?

It's La Bella Italia Just like Bella's name. I hope I helped!

In Twilight what is the scene name where Edward saves Bella from the strangers while she was coming back from the book store?

I believe it is called "Port Angeles"

Why does Bella leave jessica and Angela and port angeles?

She wanted to go to a book store in port angeles to get a book about "The cold ones". That's another name for Vampire. That's where she lerned things about Edward, where really similair. Like white skin, cold,drank blood,cant show in sunlight etc.

What do Edward and Bella call there child girl?

Edward and Bella's daughter's name is Renesmee.

What is the name of the bridge at the port of Los Angeles?

The Vincent Thomas Bridge

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port angeles

What did Jacob call Bella's baby?

Jacob calls Bella's baby Renesmee, a combination of Bella's mother's name Esme and his own mother's name Renee.

Why cant Bella usea her real name when she is a vampire?

She can. She does. At that point, though, she is known as Isabella Cullen, but they still call her Bella. :)