There are a variety of different materials that are used in order to create a fake silver candelabra. These materials depend on the different manufacturers and vary greatly.
Fabric and thread. They are used for designs and sometimes blankets. They tell us stories from the past and history.
The cast of The Kimono - 1985 includes: Yukari Taguchi
Decorative collages can be made from many different types of materials. Some of the materials that can be used to create a collage are: paper, cloth, photos, magazines ads, feathers etc. The main things one needs is decoupage glue, scissors and a vision of what one wishes to create.
The tailors from Japan and China are the people who make the Sadako a Kimono.
Dental materials are examples of materials that are used to make impressions.
who first used plants to make materials
what materials were used to make coal trucks
The materials used to make cement are,Calcareous materials (limestone)Argillaceous materials (clay)gypsumCoal dustIron oxidemagnesiumAlkalies
Wool or Cotton. They are both materials that can be used to make a blanket.
Wool or Cotton. They are both materials that can be used to make a blanket.
what materials were used to make the first electric fan
a kimono
name of the materials