flaffy evolves into ampharos at level 30 and then learns thunder punch
hope this helps
sometimes level fifty three if not level sixty one. also salamence learns fly when you level him up to level fifty so basically salamence learns fly when you evolve a shelgon level 50
There is no specific level at which Riolu evolves. You must get it to like you. To do this give Riolu the soothe bell and have him first in your party. Enter him in competitions and have him win battles. He will like you more and more and will evolve in a short while. put him first in party, give him poffins and soothe bell win battles and he will usually evolve round lvl 30
elikid evolves to electabuzz at level 30 so u catch it at valley windworks at level 6,7,8,9,10 using pokerader u should be able to find one and bring it up about 20 levels and then trade it when it is holding an electrizer and look at the electivire
Good, somebody else loves Ariados! Well just catch a Spinarak and level it up to LVL 22, voila! Enjoy your cute little Ariados!
yes Leonidas can
flaaffy doesnt evolve with anything but level, and its level 30
No, Flaaffy will evolve naturally into Ampharos at level 30.
Flaaffy evolves at level 30.
Into Flaaffy at Level 15 and into Ampharos at Level 30.
Flaaffy, at Level 30, evolves into Ampharos, the Electric Sheep Pokemon.
Flaaffy evolves into Ampharos at level 30.
Flaaffy will evolve into Ampharos at level 30.
Level 15. It evolves into Flaaffy.
Mareep evolves at level 15 to Flaaffy and then at level 30 to Ampharos.
Flaafy evolves at level 30
You need to evolve it from Mareep at level 15.
In Pokemon soul silver flaaffy evolves at level 30. I have an ampharos and its really strong and it has really close friendship with me! Hope this helps!