Well, isn't that a lovely question! Miley Cyrus speaks English, just like many of us. It's a beautiful language that allows her to express herself and connect with others in a meaningful way. Keep exploring the world of languages, my friend, and you'll discover even more beauty and connection.
Well honey, Miley Cyrus speaks English, just like the rest of us common folk. She might throw in some twang or hip slang here and there, but at the end of the day, it's good ol' English coming out of her mouth. So, there you have it, no need for a wrecking ball to figure that one out.
Miley Cyrus is a popstar Miley Cyrus is a popstar
No absolutley not. Miley Cyrus is really a man.
In English, "Qui est Miley Cyrus?" means "Who is Miley Cyrus?"
Miley Cyrus is not an android.
Miley Cyrus is 1.65meters Miley Cyrus is 1.65meters
miley Cyrus is American but she can speak English because American people do speak English and miley Cyrus has a American accent
No she doesn't speak German.
Miley Cyrus is not in Canadaa she lives in LosAgeles as we speak
How cabn i connect with Miley Cirus by the net?
NO!! haha'
you can speak with Miley like she is your friend because she is a kind nice and smart teenager
Miley speak English and Spanish. and African
There does not seem to be a cousin of Miley Cyrus that is named Tisha Ivory. She could possible have a cousin by this name and not speak about her publicly.
Miley Cyrus does not really speak about her extended family, such as cousins, to the general public. It is possible that she does have a cousin named Miranda
Miley Cyrus is a popstar Miley Cyrus is a popstar
Miley cyrus