No absolutley not. Miley Cyrus is really a man.
In English, "Qui est Miley Cyrus?" means "Who is Miley Cyrus?"
Miley Cyrus is not an android.
Miley Cyrus is 1.65meters Miley Cyrus is 1.65meters
If you are a musical person and you have a good voice then maybe you could be a rockstar like Miley Cyrus. You need to practise and practise until your voice is of a good standard. Then do things like talent shows and auditions to get your voice noticed. Also if you want to be like Miley in the way she sings AND acts, then you can go to drama classes and do auditions and stuff and you will eventually get where you wanna be. I hope this helped you. x
Its aliitle easy only but the one of the answers is if you be a rockstar/popstar.
Miley Cyrus is a rockstar ,actor and performer yes she is and she is an actor
Miley Cyrus had a band because she was a rockstar.
yes and the only
Miley Cyrus is awarded as the youngest rockstar
Miley Cyrus became a popstar because she played the role of Hannah Montana and because they thought she was so good they gave her a contract.
Rockstar Rockstar
Believing in herself & imiaging that she was a popstar!
Yes. Miley Cyrus plays as Hannah Montana, Hannah Montana is still a real popstar though, its just Miley Cyrus in a wig.
Because she in the show she has a secret popstar life and the popstar she is is Hannah Montana
Of course she is. she has had loads of albums out she has had countless concerts.
Nick Jonas, she's still in love with him