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Simon is a quite boy who keeps to himself a lot. Simon is happy to pick ripe fruit for the littluns who are unable to reach it. He admires Ralph and is happy to help him build shelters and is also happy to run an errand for Ralph, through the darkening jungle when the rest of the boys are scared of the prospect. Simon thinks a lot and seems to have realised, along with Ralph, that the beast is simply part of themselves and not some sort of creature, as most of the other boys believe. Simon faints on occasion and also seems to suffer from epilepsy, which would account for his imagined conversation with the Lord of the Flies, his nose bleed and subsequent collapse. The need to avoid being seen while experiencing an epileptic fit would also account for Simon's desire to spend time alone in his 'secret place.'

*Simon is actually suppose to depict the biblical Jesus Christ.

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Q: What kind of boy is Simon in Lord of the Flies?
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The character who speaks to the Lord of the Flies is Simon. He has a hallucinatory encounter with the severed pig's head, which is referred to as the Lord of the Flies, and it symbolizes the evil and darkness within humanity.

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Ralph takes Simon and Jack along with him on the expedition.

Who is Simon in lord of the files?

Simon is a character in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. He is a quiet and kind-hearted boy who often acts as a voice of reason and morality amidst the chaos and savagery that the other boys descend into on the island. Simon represents spirituality and goodness, and his character ultimately meets a tragic end in the novel.

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Simon is the only boy helping Ralph build the shelters in William Golding's "Lord of the Flies."

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Simon goes missing after the fire in "Lord of the Flies." The boys mistake him for the beast and end up killing him during a frenzied ritual.

How is Simon different from Ralph and jack in Lord of the Flies?

Simon is different because he is the purest character on the island. As he represents a Christ figure. He also proves to be the smartest boy on the island (aside from Piggy) as he is the first and only boy to find and understand what The Beast and The Lord Of the Flies is. Although Ralph is a good character as well the 2 boys (ralph and simon) have 2 different personalities and different goodness within them. The difference between Jack and Simon, in simple, is Jack represnts the devil and voilence and Simon represents a pure Christ figure

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