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the thing that crawls out of the forest is Simon.

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Q: Boy who is killed when he crawls out of the jungle in lord of the flies?
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What is the beast that crawls out of the forest in the middle of the feast in lord of the flies?


In lord of the flies what does the littlun see moving in the jungle at night?

He sees a snake beastie thing in the jungle.

Who is killed in Lord of the Flies?

Piggy and Simon are both killed

Where does Simon go at the end of chapter 3 of lord of the flies?

The jungle

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Piggy is killed at Castle Rock in Lord Of The Flies.

In lord of the flies who or what is the lord of the flies?

The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)

Who crawls out of the forest during the dance on the beach the lord of the flies?

Simon, a character in the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, emerges from the forest during the dance on the beach. He is mistaken for the "beast" and tragically killed by the other boys in a frenzied state. This event marks a turning point in the story, leading to the breakdown of civilization among the boys.

In Lord of the Flies where does Simon go after the argument between jack and Ralph?

The Jungle

Who killed the pig in Lord of the Flies?

jack and his hunters

In lord of the flies which two boys are killed?

Simon and piggy

Who killed Jack in Lord of the Flies?

Jack never died

What disastrous thing happens after the boys build a fire in Lord of the flies?

The jungle catches fire