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what indicates that the fat boy has a talent for organization in Lord of the Flies

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Q: What indicates that Piggy from Lord of the Flies has a talent for organization?
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What Indicates that piggy from Lord of the flies has a talent of organization?

what indicates that the fat boy has a talent for organization in Lord of the Flies

What indicates that the fat boy has a talent for organizing in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Piggy demonstrates his talent for organizing by providing intellectual ideas and suggestions that help the boys survive on the island. He also takes on the role of creating a system for order and structure within the group, such as coming up with the idea of using the conch shell as a symbol of authority. Additionally, Piggy's attention to detail and practical mindset showcase his organizational abilities.

What does piggy lecture the boys on chapter 2?

In chapter 2 of Lord of the Flies, Piggy lectures the boys on the importance of organization and responsibility. He emphasizes the need to create rules and a system of governance to maintain order on the island. Piggy's lecture underscores his belief in the necessity of reason and civilization in the face of chaos.

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piggy's hair doesn't seem to grow

Who cries in ch 4 in Lord of the Flies?

In chapter 4 of Lord of the Flies, Piggy cries after being mistreated by the other boys. He feels frustrated and overwhelmed by the group's lack of organization and the growing chaos on the island.

What happens to piggy in lord of flies?

Piggy is smashed by a boulder at Castle Rock. Roger rolls the boulder down and kills Piggy.

What does Piggy represent in Lord of the Flies?

Piggy represents intellectualism and science. Piggy represents logic, intelligence, and conservative adult values.

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