Naughtia Childs is 5' 2".
Peter Childs - actor - was born in 1939.
Gladys Childs Miller was born in 1902.
Toni Childs was born on October 29, 1957, in Orange, California, USA.
Amy Childs Birthday Is The 7th June
His oldest sons name was John and his nickname was tiny dick.
My oldest child nickname? Morris
Gilbert Childs's birth name is Gilbert Jefferies Childs.
Childs Frick died in 1965.
Amy Childs's birth name is Amy Andrea Childs.
Saturnina Rizal (1850-1913) is the oldest of the 11 siblings. Her nickname is 'Neneng'.
Martin Childs's birth name is Martin David William Childs.
Kevin Paul Jonas II. More commonly referred to as Kevin Jonas or his nickname, K2. The oldest is Kevin, who recently has been married. The second oldest is Joe, then Nick, then the youngest is Frankie.
Thomas Childs died in 1853.
Daniel Childs was born in 1988.
Earle Childs was born in 1893.
Earle Childs died in 1918.