Naughtia Childs's birth name is Megan Serbian.
Peter Childs - actor - was born in 1939.
Gladys Childs Miller was born in 1902.
Toni Childs was born on October 29, 1957, in Orange, California, USA.
Amy Childs Birthday Is The 7th June
Naughtia Childs's birth name is Megan Serbian.
Damian Childs is 188 cm.
Henry Childs is 6' 2".
Joshua Childs is 6' 5".
NFL player Greg Childs is 6'-03''.
she is 5 8 in believe
Pete Childs is 5 feet 7 inches tall. He weighs 175 pounds. He throws right.
Cupid Childs is 5 feet 8 inches tall. He weighs 185 pounds. He bats left and throws right.
she was ............. um you will have to find out
Gilbert Childs's birth name is Gilbert Jefferies Childs.
Childs Frick died in 1965.
Amy Childs's birth name is Amy Andrea Childs.