The Aquamenti charm is also known as the water summoning charm. It's actually both a charm and transfiguration spell as it's considered a conjuration. It allows a witch or wizard to produce a jet or wave of water from their wand.
Expecto Patronum this spell is known as a Patronus charm.
'Avis' is a spell that is used to gather/summon a flock of birds. There are several incidents when this spell is used, the most famous (I think) in Book 6 when an angry Hermione summons the birds to attack Ron. In Latin, 'avis' means bird.
Expelliarmus is a spell used by wizards that can disarm the magical creature it is used on.
The Knockback Jinx is a spell which can be used to 'knock back' an opponent, blast jars and creatures or activate magically charmed switches. The incantation of this spell is Flipendo.This spell only really occurs in the video games. It is never mentioned by name in the books or in the movies although it is believed to have been used in the movies as a non-verbal spell. It is still valid as a spell though, as J.K. Rowling has included it in Pottermore.
In Harry Potter, the most obvious thing to do would be Wingardium Leviosa, the Levitating Spell. If that didn't work, you could always burn it to the ground with Incendio, then put out with Aguamenti
It creates water.
Expecto Patronum this spell is known as a Patronus charm.
Avada Kedavra, Stupefy, Sectumsempra, Wingardium Leviosa, Aguamenti, Accio, Alohomora, Crucio, Expelliarmus, Expecto Patronum.
Wingardium Leviosa, Lumos, Lumos Solem, Immobulus, Expelliarmus, Riddikulus, Expecto Patronum, Reducto, Diffindo, Aguamenti, and Focus
Charms is the most basic subject. In reality, it can be compared to the subject 'science'
Levicorpus is The Spell.
I had problems with this aswell especially on " a not so merry christmas " i was playing it in co-op mode, people told me do it in solo mode but it kept happening so what i did was went through the part it was jamming on very slowly and when i was using the spell " aguamenti " i only used small shots as when i kept it on thats what made it jam. hope i helped :D
it absorbs the spell so that you get a portion of magicka in which the spell is so if the spell they used needs 90 magicka and your spell absorption is 15% then you get 15% of their spell :)
Those letters can be used to spell "religion".
Those letters can be used to spell "solitaire".