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Expecto Patronum this spell is known as a Patronus charm.

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13y ago

Dobby dies because Bellatrix threw a knife at him, not because of a spell.

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11y ago

That spell was taught to Harry by Professor Lupin in Harry's third year, and it is known as Expecto Patronum.

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9y ago

Aguamenti produces a stream of water from the tip of the caster's wand.

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13y ago

Expectro Patronum.

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Expecto Patronum

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Q: Which spell in Harry Potter protects you from dementors?
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What is Harry Potter's best spell?

Expecto patronum to verse dementors and harry's patronis is a doe

Is pratago protect a Harry Potter spell?

No. However, Protego is a spell that protects.

What is the spell harry learns in Harry Potter prisoner of askeban?

The only one I remember was Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm),It can destroy Dementors.

Have the Harry Potter the magic Demetro Potronum?

i'm not sure what this means. Dementors are evil creatures who gaurd the wizard prizon askaban. Expecto Patruonum is a spell that you use to repel dementors. Yes, Harry learned that spell in his 3rd year at hogarts from Lupin.

If Harry Potter performed the spell Expecto Patronus what form would it take and who would he use it against?

Harry Potter's patronus takes the shape of a stag, the animagus and patronus form of his father. The Patronus spell is used against Dementors but can also be used as a method of communication.

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Digitalis is not a spell in Harry Potter.

Who protects Harry Potter?

When Lily Potter died to save Harry in the First book, she used a protective spell on Harry that protected him all his life, until Goblet of Fire when Voldemort takes Harry's blood in order to become whole again.

What does the spell expecto petronum do?

The spell Expecto Patronum is a spell Harry learns to cast in his 3rd year at Hogwarts in JK Rowlings famous series. The spell conjures a patronus that drives away dementors by countering their need to feed on unhappiness with a happy memory. Harry Potter's patronus in particular takes the form of a white stag.

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It's spelled Salvio Hexia. It's some kind of protective spell which, given the name, apparently protects against hexes.

What was Harry Potter's favorite trick?

Harry Potter's favorite spell was Expelliarmus (disarming spell) but he also used Stupefy (stunning spell) a lot.

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What spell does Harry Potter say when he flies?

Harry Potter doesn't use a spell to fly, he flies using an enchanted broomstick.