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The blue circle will change from yellow to red as you get closer to someone, and if you dueled them enough their face will appear above the icon when you find them(if they are registered as a friend). There should be a messege in your pda about it, it will go more into detail about it there.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

i think it is two duel academys pick a person and that person duels a person in the other duel academy

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Q: What is the school duel in yu-gi-oh gx spirit caller?
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How do you get fast money on Yugioh 5ds world championship 2010 reverse of arcadia?

do battles/ time attack in old city at the computer in any duel runner shops

On yugioh 5ds reverse of arcadia where is the duel runner shop?

There are 2 duel runner shops. One in the Satellite and one in New Domino City. To get to the one in New Domino City from where you come in, you go south, down some steps, then follow the path to the next area. Keep going, until you find Motoi, just north of him is the duel runner shop. To get to the one in the Satellite from where you enter, keep going east until you find a small boy named Roy. Just northeast of him is the runner shop.

How did the idea of Yu-Gi-oh come up?

Yugioh was created by kazuki takashi,origionally it was just a manga about yami-yugi being the king of games but it had nothing to do with cards,it was the same yugioh we all know and love with the same characters but it was only about yami-yugi being the king of games and no matter what kind of puzzle he was faced with a bit like proffeser layton [the ds games]but after the manga was so successful kazuki takashi decided to turn the manga into an anime series on tv,the cards came because they were running out of ideas in terms of the manga so instead of yami yugi being king of every game they made it easier to focus on the one game which was duel monster cards.Kazuki Takashi came up with yugioh when he was in school,he wanted to make a unique hero who was fearless and brave and would always be there to save the day because when kazuki takashi was in school his teacher tried to humiliate him in front of the class and said something that made the class laugh something like calling him an idiot in which kazuki takashi replied "could an idiot make manga".So thats how the yugioh idea was made,hope this helped!!!

Can you duel shobu and knight in duel masters kaijudo showdown?


What booster is masked dragon in yugioh world championship 2008?

Manacing ruler. I got it but i can't rememebr what i did i suggest you just beat all players from grace, and sunlight and you should and see if you can get it.

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In yugioh spirit caller how do you get to the event a school duel .its the one north academy vs. our academy chazz is bout to battle me how do i get to that part help what is the level u for event?

leval 14

How do you get the dorm jackets in yugioh gx spirit caller?

to get the ra yellow, duel professor sartyr until he gives it to you. if you want the obelisk blue, i think you duel zane until he gives it to you.

What promo cards come with yugioh spirit caller?

"Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller" is a Nintendo DS game in which you go through many of the "Adventures" that Jaden Yuki went through and can collect Duel Spirits that you occasionally find.

How do you duel with jaden yuki in Yu-Gi-Oh spirit caller?

After you get your first duel spirit, you get to duel him. There are also some other times after that where you duel him

How on Spirit caller do i beat the game?

by winning the school duel tournament against aster phoenix and jaden yuki

Can you get the god cards in Yu-Gi-Oh gx duel achdemy?

No... sry if u r talking about yugioh gx spirit caller then u can it is possible but igot the of friends though that hadthe game

How do you get Ra yellow uniform?

are you talking about yugioh gx spirit caller? if so then you have to duel professor sartyr a certain amount of times, it can range from 1-100 even more hope this helps :P

Who is died in yu-gi-oh?

Atem the spirit of the Pharaoh also known as Yami died at the end of Yugioh Duel Monsters. In Yugioh 5ds all of the former main characters from Yugioh GX and Yugioh Duel Monsters are dead. (most likely by age)

Yugioh spirit caller school dule chazznort acadmy vs you?

First you must be Level 12+ and have done the Dimitri event (you find him randomly outside the Red Dorm). Crowler will announce that Duel Academy will have a match between their representative duelist and the representative duelist of North Academy. They will have to choose between you, Jaden and Bastion (guess who's representing Duel Academy [^.^] ).

How do you get more DP yu gi oh GX spirit caller?

depends how you duel

How do you duel jaden in Yugioh gx spirit callers?

you can duel him in story mode a few times but after you beat the game you can find him on the island somewere.