The movie is rated R.
It was rated R (in the US).
it was rated a 4.4
It's rated 'R' for violence and language.
The original film was rated R.
Probably R because of nudity in the movie.
You don't. The reason they are rated 'R' is because you are not mature enough to watch that kind of content.
The movie is rated R.
Yes, in the United States, you must be 17 years or older to view an R-rated movie without a parent or adult guardian. Some theaters may have their own policies on age restrictions for R-rated films.
Because the MPAA does that. The producers of Magic Mike chose to have it rated, and it received an R rating.Contrary to popular belief, X does not mean "porn", it means "the moviemaker has, for whatever reason, chosen not to have this movie rated by the MPAA OR the MPAA has, for whatever reason, refused to rate this movie."
The movie "Fame" is rated R because of Nudity and Language!
I think that movie is rated r
No, the movie is rated PG-13. Source: Whoever posted the above answer didn't post a source. So there's no real reason to believe them.
It was rated R (in the US).
R Rated
It is rated 'R'
its rated r