Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is its real name. Although it is only known as this in the US and some other countries. It is called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in most places, including in the UK.
The original title of the book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It is still called this in most places.
When the book was released in America the title was changed to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as the US publisher didn't think children would know what a philosopher was. J.K. Rowling suggested the word sorcerer.
yaaa she is she playes herminy in harry poter.
the pourpous of twilight is to entertain readers. just the same as harry poter/
The isn't a character in Harry Potter named Joe Jonas. Joe Jonas is the lead singer for the band The Jonas Brothers.
Harry Potter is a famous character not an actor. He doesn't actually exist.Daniel Radcliffe portrays Harry Potter in the movies, he is a famous actor from England.
The sorting hat
In the Harry Potter movies, Harry is played by Daniel Radcliff
harry poter and the have blood prince
31 July
There will be none.
the gates in harry poter are called chambers
harry poter studie at hagworts first
Unfortuately, no.
To the big screen!
Is a book of Spells used in Harry Poter