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the pourpous of twilight is to entertain readers. just the same as harry poter/

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Q: What is the purpose of twilight?
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What was the authors purpose to write twilight?

to poison an entire generation of female youth

What is Stephenie Meyer purpose of twilight?

Because shes a fat lard whiner.

When does the dawn start?

Twilight is stupid, there's no need to loose IQ points on purpose.

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To show the relationship between two unlike people!!! GO JACOB!!!!! (Taylor Lautner)

What was stephaine Meyer purpose for writng twilight?

She dis not have a purpose for writing the book. It came to her in a dream and she felt compelled to write about. You can probably find out more from things like her website.

What is Stephenie Meyer purpose in writing twilight?

to show people that if two people really love each other nothing Can come between them

What is the first Twilight book called?

The first book is just Twilight."Twilight" is the first book in the Twilight series.

Is twilight's slogan when you can live forever what do you live for?

Yes, the slogan is "When you can live forever, what do you live for?" It encapsulates the central theme of immortality and searching for purpose in life.

What was the authors purpose in the book twilight?

The book was simply a story written from a dream that the author had dreamt. The unintended theme to the book was that sexism is a-okay, and so is child-grooming.

What order did the twilight movies come out?

The Twilight movies were released in the following order: Twilight The Twilight Saga: New Moon The Twilight Saga: Eclipse The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

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Twilight, Twilight New Moon, Twilight Eclicps, twilight breaking dawn