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Jabba the Hutt .

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Q: What is the name of that fat blob thing in star wars?
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When was Blob Wars created?

Blob Wars was created in 2003-12.

Is the movie Star Wars a noun?

A Noun is a person, place or thing. Star Wars is a film which is a thing.

What is another name for Star Wars?

There is no other name for Star Wars. It's just STAR WARS.

How do you complete Lego Star Wars saga out of the death star?

There is not such thing, but there is such thing as in tothe Death Star if that was what you mean!

What Star Wars name starts with x?

X-wing fighter is a familiar name in the Star Wars universe.

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What planet is in Star Trek and Star Wars?

geinosisNo, there are no two planets the same in Star Wars and Star Trek. Geonosis was in Star Wars, Genesis was in Star Trek, and it wasn't even the planets real name.

Where can you download Star Wars games?

You can't. you have to buy it. They need the money to own the name "Star Wars"

How do you spell Star Wars in Filipino?

i looked it up and uh well apparently its the same thing in either language

What is a chewbucca?

This wierd monkey/yetti thing in Star Wars.