The Opee sea Killer is first one shown. Then the sando aqua monster eats him. Then he also eats the Colo claw fish.
That episode is Season 3 Episode 16 "Altar of Mortis." (And actually, the only reason why Ahsoka turned evil was due to the living embodiment of the dark side of the Force corrupting her with a spell in an attempt to get Anakin to join the dark side)
Sounds like you're referring to Captain Rex from the TV series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"
Darth Maul .
Jabba the Hutt .
That is yet to be revealed
Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace came out 22 years after Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (it should be noted it was just called Star Wars until 1983)
Mos Eisley.
The Empire Strikes Back
I really don't understand what you're trying to say. The first Star Wars movie was originally named "Star Wars." But when the prequel trilogy was being released, the name was then changed to "Episode 4: A New Hope."
His name is Watto.
The first Star Wars movie was simply called Star Wars because George Lucas thought there was little chance for a sequel. After more movies were made, the name was changed to Star Wars: A New Hope.
Episode name is "Wish Upon A Weinstein.
Episode 5, or the second film made is known as "The Empire Strikes Back"