the definition for reduse is bring into a lower state subduse.bring into a certain condition as by pulverizing diluting by lose weight and as by dieting .
A defendant that is not part of the suit but still can be blamed. The named defendant can use a fabre defendant to reduce its liability.
How do ornamental plant reduce accident at road
To reduce strike one organisation should take regular feedback from workers about they are feeling about the problem and regular meetings should be held with the workers and that organisation should have close association with the employees so that we can reduce strikes
meaning of wheatishbrown colour
meaning of pavan is wind
Hypo means reduce
of Reduce
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
A drug that can be used to reduce blood pressure.
3R stands for reduce,reuse and recycle...XD
reduce or deduce, deduct
3R stands for reduce,reuse and recycle...XD
Antipyretic is the medical term for medications to reduce fever. pyr- is from Greek meaning fire. Another medical term referring to things that reduce fever is febricide. febr- is from Latin for fire or heat; cide is to eliminate, reduce or extinguish (as in pesticide, herbicide, germicide, etc.)
Of, pertaining to, or having a character of, a minim or minimum; least; smallest; as, a minimal amount or value.