The actor who played Major Sidney Freedman is Allan Arbus, who just celebrated his 90th birthday this year.
Allan Arbus played the army psychiatrist Major Sidney Freedman, although in one episode he was called "Milton" Freedman.
On the TV show, it was Alan Alda. In the movie, it was Donald Sutherland.
September 1972
September 17, 1972
The actor who played Major Sidney Freedman is Allan Arbus, who just celebrated his 90th birthday this year.
Allan Arbus played the army psychiatrist Major Sidney Freedman, although in one episode he was called "Milton" Freedman.
William Christopher portrayed Father Francis P. Mulcahy in the TV series MASH. (In the pilot episode, this character was played by George Morgan.)
On the TV show, it was Alan Alda. In the movie, it was Donald Sutherland.
In California
What does this have to do with Mash? His name was Rerun not return and the show is What's Happening. What idiot wrote this?
Elliot (Goldstein) Gould played Dr Trapper John McIntyre in the Robert Altman movie MASH (1970). He never co-starred in the TV series. Trapper is the thoracic surgeon of the 4077th and was played by Wayne Rogers in the television show.
MASH was not the oldest TV show, nor was it the longest running show. See the link below for a complete list.
September 1972
September 17, 1972