you just go in carven catastrophe and after the giant drilling thing just before the cutscene get on the boxes and then double jump whilst also moving forward(this is actually a glitch to make U walk Ova carven catastrophe
you unlock a new bonus movie
Crash just ignores him
Crash into Me was created in 1997-03.
The Production Budget for Crash was $10,000,000.
Grafton bus crash happened in 1989.
disabled auto cave
Of course there is! All you need to do is go outside, pull your pants down and take a dump on the road and wait for a car to come by to run you over. GET A LIFE! There ain't no levitation code.
crash twinsanity was made in 2006
Crash Twinsanity happened in 2004.
You cant without a hacking device
Crash Twinsanity was created on 2004-10-01.
The cast of Crash Twinsanity - 2004 includes: Lex Lang as Dr. Neo Cortex
Heck no!
only in Crash Twinsanity PS2 game