Of course there is! All you need to do is go outside, pull your pants down and take a dump on the road and wait for a car to come by to run you over. GET A LIFE! There ain't no levitation code.
disabled auto cave
Heck no!
yes but it is secretly found i remember i saw something peculiar it was a door to bring you some where else
WARNING: You cannot return to any previous levels after entering the Psychotron and going to Twinsanity Island. You will have to beat the game to return to Iceberg Lab. Levels cannot usually be accessed again until they have been completed. N.Sanity Isle ================= Get through Bandicoot Pursuit and enter the large fortress at the end.
The Cheat Engine will damage your computer clearly. If you want to download the Cheat Engine, it is your risk. The computer may crash and unfortunately break.
disabled auto cave
crash twinsanity was made in 2006
Crash Twinsanity happened in 2004.
Crash Twinsanity was created on 2004-10-01.
The cast of Crash Twinsanity - 2004 includes: Lex Lang as Dr. Neo Cortex
Heck no!
only in Crash Twinsanity PS2 game
Beat the evil twins again (You must do the whole level again!)