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In 2004-2006 Bring me the horizon released the first official album, Count Your Blessings, they were a metal core band. They then went on to release Suicide Season, which pulled them away from the death metal catagory. Their latest album There's a hell, believe me i've seen it, There's a heaven let's keep it a secret pulled them even further away from the death metal to just hard core/emo/ metal core/ grunge/ screamo band. I love Bring Me The Horizon <3

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That would be Deathcore.

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Q: What is the genre of bring me the horizon?
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What type of music is Bring Me the Horizon known for?

Bring Me the Horizon seems to be generally recognized as a genre known as metalcore/deathcore.

What genre are Bring you The Horizon?

parkway drive are a "heavy metal band"

How would one categorise the music of the band Bring Me The Horizon?

Bring Me the Horizon are categorized under the genre "metalcore". They hail from Sheffield in Yorkshire, England, a town notable for it's steel industry.

When was Bring Me the Horizon created?

Bring Me the Horizon was created in 2004.

What is metalcore?

It's a broad fusion genre of extreme metal and hardcorepunk music..... you can listen to bands like BRING ME THE HORIZON... they are indeed a metalcore band

Does bring you the horizon have a?

Um maybe you are thinking of the band Bring Me The Horizon?

Is bring you the horizon a rock song?

It's a rock band. And they're called Bring Me the Horizon

Are Bring me the horizon and Parkway drive the same genre bands?

Yes . But Oli Sykes beats parkway drive anyday ;) And for the record , it's called screamo or hardcore screamo. :)

In the video the saddness will never end who was the 2nd singer from bring you the horizon?

Sam Carter (Not in Bring me the Horizon.)

What does Jona Weinhoten play in Bring you The Horizon?

Guitar. He has been playing in Bring Me The Horizon since 2009.

When did Bring you The Horizon first come out?

What chennl bring it out

Is there an album by Bring you the Horizon called September is suicide season?

the band is Bring Me The Horizon and the album is Suicide Season.