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At the end of Breaking Dawn the Cullen's and other vampire coven gather in a clearing with the Shapeshifter Werewolf things to protect Renesmee from the Volturi. In the end Alice and Jasper come back with another half human half vampire person and the Volturi don't kill anyone, there's no battle, nothing.

Hope that answered you question!!

- Twigal2

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15y ago
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15y ago

Well, Alice, Jasper, and Emmett kill James, but he bit Bella so Edward sucked the venom out of her. Then, since James broke her leg, she has a cast when Edward takes her to prom. Jacob shows up and tells Bella that his dad told her to break up with Edward, but he thinks it's ridiculous. Then, Bella and Edward dance and he takes her home. PEACE!

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13y ago

Most critics agree that Edna swam out into the ocean and committed suicide at the end of the novel.

Edna physically and emotionally leaves the world at the end of the novel. I think she does this because she has tried different ways of becoming an individual including painting, moving out, and finally telling Robert how she feels. Yet none of these work, and she doesn't have any options left besides death. Edna commits suicide because she cannot figure out what to do with her life- society discourages and prevents her from doing what she wants. The Victorian age does not allow her to be herself and therefore she leaves. Edna does succeed because she feels as though she has no more options left. Killing yourself is the ultimate act of removal because no one can confine you any longer you are free. The lack of confinement also brings physical death. Edna cannot try a new way to express her individuality because she is gone. Edna's actions are not moral because she left behind her children who now do not have a mother. She only though of herself and her feelings when she killed herself- not how her actions would affect her family. Although she had already removed herself from her children by sending them to a family member, she was still alive and still their mother.

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7y ago

Alice brings 150 year old nauhul which is a half-vampire half-human like renesmee and he tells the Volturi that they are not dangerous so the voulturi leave
In the ending of Breaking Dawn The Twilight Saga Bella and Edward have a baby girl called Renesmee (Renée, Bella's mother and Esmé, Edward's "adopted" mother). Bella gets turned into a vampire by Edward immediately after having Renesme. Jacob Black imprints (a werewolf thing) on Renesme. The Volturi hear about Renesme, half human half vampire, and plan to kill the entire coven because Renesmee might be dangerous. The Cullens pull together many of their vampire friends and Jacob's werewolf pack to try and get the Volturi to stop and listen to the Cullens explination of what Renesme really is. The Volturi do listen and they leave the Cullens alone after a very very very very long discussion. Then comes the Happily After Ever.

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What is the ending to The Twilight Saga book?

The last book in the series is breaking dawn. but if want to know the ending Bella marries edward and they have a child. Jacob imprints on Bella's little girl. All things work out for them in the end. hope that was the answer you wanted!

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Twilight is the first book out of four in the Twilight saga.

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the best twilight book is... of course the original twilight!

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It's the sweetest book ever! MUCH better than Twilight. What I love about it is the themes, such as "go deeper than just looks", and I LOVE the ending. It hints at a relationship, but you're not quite sure. So you can have your own ending. answered by Serena