Title: Shadow on the Sun Album: Audioslave - 2002 Composer: Audioslave - Chris Cornell
The song in MBC 2 - Screaming Sunday trailer is Elvis's 'Cotton Candy Land'.
The song is 'Revival' by Soulsavers.
"Numa Numa" by Ozone (Romanian)
If you're referring to the opening song of the documentary (not sure if it was also in the trailer), it is Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes.
Revelations - Audioslave song - was created in 2007.
The Worm - Audioslave song - was created in 2005.
Be Yourself - Audioslave song - was created on 2005-02-02.
Audioslave - Cochise
the answer is smoke in the mirror
Till I Collapse
Doesn`t Remind Me
The song that is used for the second part of the trailer is "Immediate Music" by the band Worlds Apart. (Loto Sakurambo)
Title: Shadow on the Sun Album: Audioslave - 2002 Composer: Audioslave - Chris Cornell
Doesn't remind me
Audioslave Be Yourself