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champagne showers

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Q: What is lord Voldemorts drink of choice?
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Who is lord Voldemorts dad?

Tom Riddle Senior ( muggle)

What does dumbledore use to show harry lord Voldemorts past?

The Penseive

How did dumbledore destroy Lord Voldemorts ring?

Albus Dumbledore was the head of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series. Lord Voldemort created horcruxes from different objects including a ring. Dumbledore was able to destroy Voldemorts ring by stabbing it with the sword of Gryffindor.

What is Voldermorts real name?

Tom Marvello Riddle is Lord Voldemorts birth name, his real name is Lord Voldemort because he changed it.

What is a cool name for a Fantasy Boarding School?

Lord Voldemorts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

What is Brian griffin's drink of choice?

Brian Griffin's drink of choice is usually a martini.

What does Harry Potter's wand have that's related to Voldemorts?

Harry potter's wand and lord voldemort's Wand share the same core so they can Only harm eachother

Who are Voldemorts sidekicks?

his Death Eaters

What does Voldemorts name mean?

It is a name that Tom Riddle made for himself to renounce his muggle heritage. He used the letters of his full name; Tom Marvolo Riddle to spell out "I AM LORD VOLDEMORT"

Do quad players drink lattes?

Yes, it is their drink of choice.

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descibe how and when to seek additional guidance about an indiviual's choice of food and drink

Is tequila beer a popular drink choice at your favorite bar?

Tequila beer is not a popular drink choice at my favorite bar.