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Q: What is diegetic sound?
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What does diegetic sound mean?

Diegetic sound can be on screen or off screen. It is a sound whose source is shown on the screen or whose source is implied to be there by the action of the film.

Can non-diegetic sound be background music?


What is cinematic technique?

=== === Examples of shot size (in one filmmaker's opinion)The use of different shot sizes can influence the meaning which an audience will interpret. The size of the subject in frame depends on two things: the distance the camera is away from the subject and the focal length of the camera lens. Common shot sizes: * Extreme close-up: Focuses on a single facial feature, such as lips and eyes. * Close-up: May be used to show tension. * Medium shot: Often used, but considered bad practice by many directors, as it often denies setting establishment and is generally less effective than the Close-up. * Long shot * Establishing shot: Mainly used at a new location to give the audience a sense of locality. Choice of shot size is also directly related to the size of the final display screen the audience will see. A Long shot has much more dramatic power on a large theater screen, whereas the same shot would be powerless on a small TV or computer screen. * Aerial shot * American shot * Bird's eye shot * Close up * Crane shot * Dolly zoom * Dutch angle * Establishing shot * Follow shot * Forced perspective * Freeze frame shot * High-angle shot * Long shot * Long take * Low-angle shot * Master shot * Matte * Medium shot * Pan shot * Point of view shot * Reaction shot * Sequence shot * Shot * Shot reverse shot * SnorriCam * Talking head * Tracking shot * Trunk shot * Two Shot * Video frame * Whip pan * Background lighting * Cameo lighting * Fill light * Flood lighting * High-key lighting * Key Lighting * Lens flare * Low-key lighting * Mood lighting * Rembrandt lighting * Stage lighting * Soft light Main article: Film editing * A Roll * B Roll * Cross cutting * Cutaway * Dissolve * Establishing shot * Fast cutting * Flashback * Insert * Jump cut * Keying * L cut ("Split edit") * Master shot * Match cut * Point of view shot * Screen direction * Sequence shot * Slow cutting * Split screen * SMPTE time code * Shot reverse shot * Talking head * Wipe ** Clock wipe ** Heart wipe ** Matrix wipe ** Star wipe Main article: Special effect * 3-D film for movie history * 3-D computer graphics * Bluescreen/Chroma key * Bullet time * Computer-generated imagery * Digital compositing * Optical effects * Stereoscopy for 3D technical details * Stop trick * Stop motion In cinematography, the use of light can influence the meaning of a shot. For example, film makers often portray villains that are heavily shadowed or veiled, using silhouette. Techniques involving light include backlight(silhouette), and under-lighting(light across a character form). Sound is used extensively in filmmaking to enhance presentation, and is distinguished into diegetic ("actual sound"), and non-diegetic sound: * Diegetic sound: It is any sound where the source is visible on the screen, or is implied to be present by the action of the film: ** Voices of characters; ** Sounds made by objects in the story; and/or like heart beats of a person ** Music, represented as coming from instruments in the story space. ** Music coming from reproduction devices such as record players, radios, tape players etc. * Non-diegetic sound: Also called "commentary sound," it is sound which is represented as coming from a source outside the story space, ie. its source is neither visible on the screen, nor has been implied to be present in the action: ** Narrator's commentary; ** Voice of God; ** Sound effect which is added for dramatic effect; ** Basic sound effects, e.g. dog barking, car passing; ** Mood music; and ** Film Score : Non-diegetic sound plays a significant role in creating the atmosphere and mood within a film. Main article: Sound effect In motion picture and television production, a sound effect is a sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point, without the use of dialogue or music. The term often refers to a process, applied to a recording, without necessarily referring to the recording itself. In professional motion picture and television production, the segregations between recordings of dialogue, music, and sound effects can be quite distinct, and it is important to understand that in such contexts, dialogue and music recordings are never referred to as sound effects, though the processes applied to them, such as reverberation or flanging, often are. Techniques in interactive movies Main article: Interactive movie New techniques currently being developed in interactive movies, introduce an extra dimension into the experience of viewing movies, by allowing the viewer to change the course of the movie. In traditional linear movies, the author can carefully construct the plot, roles, and characters to achieve a specific effect on the audience. Interactivity, however, introduces non-linearity into the movie, such that the author no longer has complete control over the story, but must now share control with the viewer. There is an inevitable trade-off between the desire of the viewer for freedom to experience the movie in different ways, and the desire of the author to employ specialized techniques to control the presentation of the story. Computer technology is required to create the illusion of freedom for the viewer, while providing familiar, as well as, new cinematic techniques to the author.thats the best i could find out , hope its not too much if you are having trouble go to and type your question in there and it should come up with heaps of information

What is sound perspective?

Sound perspective is the way you hear a sound. (Where you hear it coming from)

What is the sound era?

Early movies, known as silent films, did not have sound, they consisted only of moving pictures. When movies began to be made with sound, the art of the motion picture entered the sound era.

Related questions

What does diegetic sound mean?

Diegetic sound can be on screen or off screen. It is a sound whose source is shown on the screen or whose source is implied to be there by the action of the film.

What does diegetic and non diegetic mean?

DIEGETIC SOUND Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film: * voices of characters * sounds made by objects in the story * music represented as coming from instruments in the story space ( = source music) Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film's world Digetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound Diegesis is a Greek word for "recounted story" The film's diegesis is the total world of the story action NON-DIEGETIC SOUND Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action: * narrator's commentary * sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect * mood music Non-diegetic sound is represented as coming from the a source outside story space. The distinction between diegetic or non-diegetic sound depends on our understanding of the conventions of film viewing and listening. We know of that certain sounds are represented as coming from the story world, while others are represented as coming from outside the space of the story events. A play with diegetic and non-diegetic conventions can be used to create ambiguity (horror), or to surprise the audience (comedy).

Can non-diegetic sound be background music?


What is the use of diegetic sound in the movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Diegetic sound is present when characters speak, musical instruments are played and objects make noises.

Diegetic sound in young Frankenstein?

What effct do digetic sounds have on a Movie?

Is diegetic sound used in the movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Yes, diegetic sound is present in the movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when characters speak, musical instruments are played and objects make noises.

What does extra diegetic sound mean?

Extra diegetic sound refers to sound that is not part of the immediate story world or narrative in a film or other visual media. This could include voiceovers, background music, or sound effects that are added during post-production to enhance the viewer's experience.

What is non- diegetic sound mean?

Sound used to create dramatic effect. Examples are: The voice of god, narration, SFX (guns/explosions etc) and mood music. They are basically sounds that are added in the editing process. It can be any noise which is not naturally in the clip. An example, is often, in most films, music is added for a certain effect, this music is non-diegetic sound

How do you pronounce diegetic?

Diegetic is pronounced as "die-eh-jet-ik".

What is diegetic sound used for?

Diegetic sound is sound that is created within the world of the film or story, such as dialogue between characters or ambient noises like footsteps. It helps to immerse the audience in the environment and events of the narrative, making it feel more realistic and engaging. It can also provide important information or context for the story.

What is non- diegetic sound?

Sound used to create dramatic effect. Examples are: The voice of god, narration, SFX (guns/explosions etc) and mood music. They are basically sounds that are added in the editing process. It can be any noise which is not naturally in the clip. An example, is often, in most films, music is added for a certain effect, this music is non-diegetic sound

Is non diegetic when the charchters in the film cant hear the music?

Yes. Diegetic means anything within the scene. Non-diegetic, or more properly extra-diegetic, would therefore mean anything outside of the scene. The line between the two can sometimes be blurred, particularly in musicals: for example, in the film "The Sound of Music" the songs "My Favorite Things", "Do-Re-Mi", and "The Lonely Goatherd" are diegetic, because within the story, the characters are singing, and aware that they are singing. The songs "Something Good" and "Maria" on the other hand are non-diegetic, because even though the performers in the movie are singing, within the story the characters are not singing, nor are they aware that they are singing. Another way in which the line is sometimes blurred is in scenes when what seems initially to be extra-diegetec music is revealed to be diegetic (usually done for comedic purposes, for example in "Blazing Saddles" when Sheriff Bart is riding through the desert to the strains of a Count Basie tune, and the camera pans to reveal Count Basie and his orchestra in the middle of the desert, playing the song).