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Q: What is a lady condom called?
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Who was the first lady to invent something?

Judy Walker. she invented the condom

Why do you dip cheese in water?

because it is like a condom for a lady. they like it wet!

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What does UCLA MOM mean?


When a lady has maximum chances of getting pregnant without a condom?

after the mences. day betwen 14 to 19.............

What is a lady called in french?

A lady is called madame.

What are lady goats called?

lady goats are called nanny goats

What is called the programming lady?

The programing lady is called a petria in Mexio

What is Lady Gaga's new perfume called?

It is called "Monster" and it contains Lady Gaga's blood.

What is Lady Gaga fan club called?

Lady Gaga fans are called 'Little Monsters'

Who has a song called alejandro?

lady gaga did

What is meg's hat from family guy?

looks like a beanie but is called a condom hat