Pythor P. Chumsworth
Billy P. Bretherton
His Full name was Adolph P. Gouthey. -He was the author of Darrow-Gouthey Debate. -And he has something to do with creationsim.
Who is Angelina u need to give us more facts because there is so many Angelina's. :P
Brahmagupta's full name is Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta Gupta. so they just tell his first and last name not his full name.
P. Chidambaram's full name is Palaniappan Chidambaram.
Billy bob is a full name. :P
His full name is Ronald Joseph Radke !!!! :P
The full name of CRPF is Central Reserve Police Force.
palaniapann chidambaram
First past the post system
ajit prakash shah
jose laurel
Pythor P. Chumsworth
Pilavullkandi Thekkeparambli Usha.
The full name of the Kannada poet P. G. Siddapur is Pandharinath Gattappa Siddapur.
Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno