Billy Mays full name is "William Darrell Mays, Jr."
Billy Butts's birth name is Billy Charles Allen Butts.
Billy the Kid Billy Joel Billy Bob Thornton Billie Holiday Billie Jean King
Billy Halop's birth name is William Halop.
Billy Whitaker's birth name is William D. Whitaker.
Billy bob is a full name. :P
Billy Mays full name is "William Darrell Mays, Jr."
Billy Joel has one child, his daughter Alexa Ray. She was the inspiration of Billy Joel's hit Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel). In the song Downeaster Alexa the fishing boat is named after Alexa. Alexa is a musician.
Randy Rayson
William Brent Unger
Billy Slater is a former NRL player and is playing for the storms. He was born on the 18th June 1983 in Queensland. Billy's full name is Billy Jono Slater and his dad was Micheal Slater. Billy Slater's wife is Nicole Rose and their daughters name is Tyla Rose.
Billy Silva's birth name is Billy Campbell.
Billy Name goes by Billy Goat Clinic.
Billy Ray Cyrus
Billy Lovelady's birth name is Billy Nolan Lovelady.
Billy Stegall's birth name is Billy Howard Stegall.
Billy Grabarkewitz's birth name is Billy Cordell Grabarkewitz.