Her full name is Alecia Moore. But I don't know her middle name - if she has one! Sorry.
Her full name is Alecia Beth Moore. :-)
Hearts are pink, and his last name was heart, so he wore pink for name purposes.
yes pink is related to Mandy Moore pink's real name is Alicia Beth Moore
Pink Floyd IS their real name! They've never had another name in their entire career.If you are referring to the character in their 1979 album The Wall, he was known simply as Pink- you never got to find out what his real name was.
her name is frenchie, and she has pink hair from a cosmotology experiment gone wrong!
Alicia Beth Moore:)
No Pink's real name is Alecia Beth Moore.
the Latin name for pink is dianthus.
Asher Pink's birth name is Asher Leeor Pink.
The term "pink moon" is a nickname given to the full moon that appears in April, based on the pink wildflowers called phlox that bloom during this time. The moon itself does not actually appear pink, but its name originates from this seasonal association.
Pink is a pale red color, which takes its name from the flower of the same name.
pink eye is the common name
The Maori name for pink is "maioha."
The name for Pink eye is Conjunctivitis.
pink eye not a name it is contatous and shoultent go anywere if you have pink eve
The scientific name for the Pink Shrimp is Farfantepenaeus duorarum.
Her stage name "Pink" was coined as a tribute to the character Mr. Pink from the film Reservoir_Dogs.