Runya is the word for flame in elvish.
-'man' is the elvish root meaning good, blessed, unmarred. Aire is the quenyan word for holy.
mellon (friend)
Stephen means 'crown,' which in Sindarin (Elvish) is rî. Adding one of the male name suffixes (-ion, -dir, -el), Stephen would be Rîdir or Rîel.
There is no specific word for emerald in Sindarin. By composition, you could saycalenmîr (lit. green jewel)
the elvish word for war is Mal. (I looked up elvish words and the website said that Mal is the elvish word for war) Always happy to answer your Questions, ~ E
Runya is the word for flame in elvish.
Elvish word for friend is mellon.
-'man' is the elvish root meaning good, blessed, unmarred. Aire is the quenyan word for holy.
Rebecca means "to bind," which in Sindarin (Elvish) is gwedh-. Adding one of the common Elvish name endings (-iel, -ien, -wen), Rebecca would be Gwedhiel or Gwedhien.Note: dh is pronounced as a hard th, as in "thee" in English.
Lote is the Quenya word for flower.
The website Council of Elrond, link below, has a great Elvish section. They have dictionaries of both Quenya and Sindarin, Elvish lessons, name translations, and translations for every quote in the movies.
The elvish alphabet can be found here -'s called Tengwar, the Quenya (one of the Elvish languages) word for symbols.
Do you mean in the Elvish script or the Elvish language? 'Cause unfortunately for the script, you'll have to look it up in the appendices to the Return of the King. If you want to know how to say it in the language, you know of course that there were a number of Elven languages, the most prominent of which are Quenyz, the language of Valinor and Sindarin, the language of the Grey-elves of Doriath. In Sindarin the verb root for "love" was "mel-" and the word for "father" was "adar"
In Sindarin, the word for castle or fortress is ost.
It means 'Elf-friend'.