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Runya is the word for flame in elvish.

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Q: What is the elvish word for flame in lord of the rings?
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"bring" e' "Lord" en' i' "Rings"

What is the elvish word used to enter Moria in Lord of the Rings?

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What is the elvish word for friendship?

Elvish word for friend is mellon.

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Type the word "mellon" when prompted by the gate. This is the elvish word for friend, and the word that Gandalf says to open the door in the Lord of the Rings movie. The entire stage is a reference to this scene.

What is the elvish word for war?

the elvish word for war is Mal. (I looked up elvish words and the website said that Mal is the elvish word for war) Always happy to answer your Questions, ~ E

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Is Lord of the Rings a collective noun?

No, a collective noun is a word for a group, for example, a set of rings or a pair of rings.The noun 'lord' is a word for a person, one person.

What is the elvish word for righteous?

-'man' is the elvish root meaning good, blessed, unmarred. Aire is the quenyan word for holy.

What character in 'The Lord of the Rings' has a monster called Princess?

You must be thinking of some other book. The word Princess is never used in The Lord of the Rings.

What is rebecca in elvish?

Rebecca means "to bind," which in Sindarin (Elvish) is gwedh-. Adding one of the common Elvish name endings (-iel, -ien, -wen), Rebecca would be Gwedhiel or Gwedhien.Note: dh is pronounced as a hard th, as in "thee" in English.

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