Justin Bieber has been photographed wearing a variety of hats. The most common type of hat that you will see Justin Bieber sporting is the full hat style.
No one has a favorite math problem, not even Justin Bieber.
Justin beibers favorite person to hang out with is his family and friends.
Justin Biebers date of birth is March 1,1994
No Joel Bieber is not Justin Biebers dad. Justin Biebers dads name is Jeremy Bieber not Joel.
you can contact Justin beiber at 4046653410
Justin Biebers least favorite color is yellow.
Justin Biebers Favorite boy celebrity is Micheal Jackson, he is Justins biggest insparation
Justin biebers favorite girl singer is beyonce
his hat got stolen while he was in the airport
Well if your referring to a specific hat such as his sox hat it would be goth font:)
yes favorite girl is
No!! His favorite color is purple!!
a pomeranian