The amazingly talented boy has a blood type of AB+
Justin Drew Bieber's blood type is A+
Justin Bieber has the blood type AB+. He is considered to have a rare blood type because he is able to donate blood to people with A+ or B+ blood types.
Justin Biebers date of birth is March 1,1994
No Joel Bieber is not Justin Biebers dad. Justin Biebers dads name is Jeremy Bieber not Joel.
you can contact Justin beiber at 4046653410
scooter braun
It is a Papillion
a pomeranian
go on the inter net and type in what is Justin biebers identification
double bubble
A brown and white papillion
His mom doesnt have cancer
Justin biebers manger is scooter braun
no i cant be Justin Biebers girlfriend because, I am Justin Beiber.
Justin biebers CD is called my world
According to Justin's best friend Chaz Sommers, Justin likes brunettes.
He loves cherry and pumpkin pie