That would be Ryan Ochoa.
His real name is Reed Alexander, I believe.
Her name is Samantha Puckett.(on iCarly)Her real name is Jennete McCurdy.(in real life)
Noah Munck.
We spell Samuel. -Bananinhas-
Guppy's real name is Ethan Munck. His older brother is Noah Munck, who plays Gibby on iCarly:)
ICarly's Sam's real name is Jennet ( i think that is how you spell it)
Yes Freddie's real name on icarly is Fredward.
Jerry Trainor is Spencer's real name on iCarly.
In ICarly Freddie Benson's real name is Nathan Kress
His full iCarly name is Freddie Benson and his name in real life is Nathan Kress.
That would be Ryan Ochoa.
sam on icarly's real name is jannet mcurdy.i dont think i spelled it right though
Spencer Shay's (a character from the show "iCarly") name in real life is Jerry Trainor.
His real name is Reed Alexander, I believe.
Jennette Mccurdy plays Sam on iCarly. And her name on icarly is Sam Pucket!
His real name is Nathan Kress: he plays Fredward Benson in iCarly.