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A mobile phone number is a phone number that a cell phone has
The singer, Piper Curda, does not give out her cell phone number to the public.
Selena gomez kik username is official_gomezz but she as not provided her cell phone number on a public domain.
There is no known fan phone number for Dustin Breeding or any of the members of B5.
Microsoft does not have "a" cell phone number, it is a corporation.
Sterling Knight keeps his real cell phone number private. Fans who wish to contact him can write to Viewpoint, Inc., 8820 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 220, Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2618, USA.
Are you asking which is correct? Both are because the questions are asking 2 different things. You can either have his cell phone, or his cell phone number.
can you retrieve the last call phone number on a cell phone
I want your cell phone number, Patty!
Jesus doesn't have a cell phone
Your cell phone number is yours to port as you wish to and from any cell phone company.
its easy actually all you hav to do is get a new cell phone so you can get another cell phone number
Ray Ray does not have a public cell phone or a cell phone number.
What is Coco jo es cell phone number
Yes he has a cell phone
what kobe phone number