The personal cell phone and home phone numbers of celebrities,singers, bands, actors, and models are not made available to the general public for privacy and safety concerns.
Clarissa Lassig's birth name is Clarissa Anne Lassig.
Clarissa Doll's birth name is Clarissa Dana Biere.
Clarissa River Harlow is 5' 7".
Ruzzo Medina's birth name is Hiram River Medina.
The phone number of the Medina Community Library is: 830-589-2825.
The phone number of the Medina Railroad Museum is: 585-798-6106.
The phone number of the Medina Historical Soc is: 585-798-3006.
The phone number of the Medina County District Library is: 330-725-0588.
The phone number of the Medina Cmnty Design Committee is: 330-725-7516.
The phone number of the Medina County Historical Society is: 330-722-1341.
The phone number of the Highland Branch is: 330-239-1378.
The phone number of the Portholes Into Past Museum is: 330-725-0402.
The phone number of the Norhteast Ohio Museum is: 330-336-7657.
The phone number of the Lee-Whedon Memorial Library is: 585-798-3430.
Yoervis Medina is number 31 on the Seattle Mariners.
There might be, but if so we don't know it and we have a policy against giving out people's personal phone numbers anyway.