Depending on which relatives are visiting during said holiday, any could be rather frightening. But most perceive Halloween to be a 'scary' holiday.
A holiday where you get candy from people and be scary because on that night, scary things will happen.
It depends on where you go. It actually didn't start out as a scary holiday, but it became one somewhere along the road.
there are none that aren't scary. deal with it.
the voyge at holiday world is scary to most people but not just scary but also fun ride it when you go to see for yourself i have never rode it but my family has i know im going to ride it when i go
Halloween can be scary because people are running around in scary costumes sometimes. That and the fact that it is night time, makes it pretty creepy to some people.
id probably say its full during holiday breaks, when its knotts scary farm and weekends.
Some People Just Think They Should Make Scary Halloween Movies Because It Makes The Movie Intresting
a celebrity said scary scary scary
A person can download scary music for Halloween from iTunes or from Amazon. There are many CDs out that have been released for the Halloween season. The whole album can be downloaded or particular tracks. One can get some free music from the website The Holiday Spot and OddioOverplay.
scary scary scary scary scary
it may be scary but in the end it is not that scary
SCARY?!!! give me a break its not scary he just looks scary