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Being dirty all the time.

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Q: What has Ralph come to accept as normal in Lord of the Flies?
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In chapter 7 What has Ralph come to accept as normal?

By Chapter 7 of Golding's "The Lord of The Flies" Ralph begins to accept their dirty living conditions on the island as normal. The boys are all dirty, with long hair and filthy by clothes. This acceptance adds to his feelings of despair about them ever being rescued.

What chapter is Ralph made chief in Lord of the flies?

Ralph is made chief in Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

In the book Lord of the Flies what is Ralph's age?

Ralph, the Protagonist of Lord of the Flies, is 12 years old. According to the book Ralph is described as being "twelve and a few months."

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Who are the leaders in Lord of the Flies?

Jack and Ralph.

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Where does Ralph go in Lord of the Flies?

up your bum

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How does Ralph change his position in lord of the flies?

he moves