By Chapter 7 of Golding's "The Lord of the Flies" Ralph begins to accept their dirty living conditions on the island as normal. The boys are all dirty, with long hair and filthy by clothes. This acceptance adds to his feelings of despair about them ever being rescued.
Being dirty all the time.
Ralph realised that he had come to accept living in a constant state of dirt as normal. His clothes were dirty and his hair was too longer for his own liking. He realised as he looked at the other boys that while none of them were spectacularly dirty, like boys who had fallen in mud might be, inaccessible areas of their skin was ingrained with dirt.
Ralph's father is a commander in the Navy. Ralph's family have moved to a succession of houses as he father has been moved to different naval bases. When Ralph thinks about living in a house on the edge of the moors near Devonport, he also remembers that "Mummy had still been with them and Daddy had come home every day." As divorce was very uncommon when the book was written it might be assumed that it Ralph's parents weren't separated then perhaps his mother had died.
Piggy and the twins come to Ralph with a feast of properly ripened fruit.
Tony Soprano strangled him to death after they had a fight in Ralph's house. Tony's horse, Pie-O-My had been burnt in a fire that Tony had suspected Ralph had something to do with. There was a fight in Ralph's house and when Ralph was dead, Tony called Christopher to come and dismember the body.
Being dirty all the time.
Ralph has come to accept the boys' lack of discipline and order, as well as the existence of the beast on the island, as normal. He also becomes desensitized to the violence and brutality among the boys.
Ralph realised that he had come to accept living in a constant state of dirt as normal. His clothes were dirty and his hair was too longer for his own liking. He realised as he looked at the other boys that while none of them were spectacularly dirty, like boys who had fallen in mud might be, inaccessible areas of their skin was ingrained with dirt.
After the meeting broke up at the end of chapter 5 Ralph, Simon and Piggy bemoaned the absence of adults on the island. Ralph said, and I quote... "I wish my father... O, what's the use?" A lttle later he also said, and I quote... "If only they could send a message to us," cried Ralph desperately. "If only they could send us something grown-up... a sign or something."
Ralph's father is a commander in the Navy. Ralph's family have moved to a succession of houses as he father has been moved to different naval bases. When Ralph thinks about living in a house on the edge of the moors near Devonport, he also remembers that "Mummy had still been with them and Daddy had come home every day." As divorce was very uncommon when the book was written it might be assumed that it Ralph's parents weren't separated then perhaps his mother had died.
In chapter 11 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph tries to talk to Jack's tribe about the signal fire and the need for proper shelter. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a smoke signal to attract potential rescuers and the necessity of protecting themselves from the elements by building secure shelters.
Ralph has come to realize they are living an uncivilized life. This is the stepping stone to the completely savage behavior that is to come.
Ralph overcomes Jack's challenge by asserting his authority as the elected leader and emphasizing the importance of maintaining the signal fire for rescue. He appeals to reason and rationality, highlighting the need for a plan and organization in order to survive on the island. Ultimately, Ralph convinces the boys to prioritize the signal fire over hunting the beast.
Chapter 347
do you mean gakuen alice chapter 167? because 167 didnt come out yet.. and chapter 167 is dued to come out on sept 20!!
It came out in 2012.
In chapter 1 Ralph and Piggy discuss whether anyone knows that they are on the island. Ralph suggests that his father will come and rescue them as soon as he can, telling Piggy that the people at the airport will tell him where they are. Piggy replies, and I quote... "Not then. Didn't you hear what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? they're all dead."