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Q: In Lord of the Flies - who wanted fire for a rescue signal?
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Who decided to move the fire in lord of the flies?

Jack and his tribe of hunters were responsible for moving the fire in "Lord of the Flies" as they prioritized hunting and their own desires over maintaining the signal fire for rescue.

Who suggested moving the fire to the beach in lord of the flies?

Piggy was the one who suggested moving the fire to the beach in "Lord of the Flies." He believed that keeping a signal fire burning on the beach was crucial for attracting passing ships that could rescue them.

What side of the island had little bit of smoke in lord of the flies?

The side of the island with the little bit of smoke in "Lord of the Flies" is the south side of the mountain. This is where the boys start a signal fire in an attempt to attract passing ships for rescue.

On what page do they mention the mountain in Lord of the Flies?

The mountain is mentioned in Lord of the Flies at various points throughout the novel. It is primarily associated with the signal fire that the boys try to maintain in order to signal passing ships for rescue. The mountain also becomes a symbolic focal point for the boys' struggle to maintain order and civilization on the island.

Who says We don't want another night without fire Lord of the flies?

Ralph says this line in "Lord of the Flies." It is a reflection of the desperation and fear that the boys feel as they struggle to maintain a signal fire on the island to attract rescue.

Who says I know I can't see very much but have we got any smoke in lord of the flies?

Piggy is the character who says this line in "Lord of the Flies." He is referring to the signal fire that the boys are trying to keep going in order to attract rescue.

In lord of the flies Where does Ralph spend most of his time?

Ralph spends most of his time in the novel "Lord of the Flies" near the beach and the signal fire that represents hope for rescue. He also spends time at the assembly area where meetings are held.

How was the rescue of the boys in Lord of the Flies?

They were found by the military.

What is the boys response when they see smoke in a distance in the lord of the flies?

The boys respond with excitement and a sense of adventure at the possibility of rescue when they see smoke in the distance in "Lord of the Flies." They believe it could be a signal fire lit by adults searching for them and rush to investigate.

Lord of the Flies narrative hook?

When the signal fire goes out

Why did they need fire in Lord of the Flies?

Although the boys use the fire to provide warmth, light and to cook fish, crabs and pig meat the main purpose of the fire is to act as a signal to attract the attention of any passing ships or airplanes.

What Is the purpose of the fire in lord of the flies in chapter 10?

In Chapter 10 of "Lord of the Flies," the purpose of the fire is to act as a signal for rescue. The boys intend to keep the fire burning at all times to increase the chances of being seen by passing ships or planes and getting rescued from the uninhabited island. However, the neglect of the fire leads to missed opportunities for rescue, highlighting the boys' descent into savagery.