There is no last episode of glee at the moment, the latest episode is season 4 episode 4: The Break Up
episode 3 "Acafellas"
The team went their separate ways.
Youtube is bound to have it.
Colonel Potter left his horse Sophie with the children at the orphanage.
The last episode of "Gilligan's Island" ("Gilligan, the Goddess") left the castaways stranded because the series was cancelled and the producers did not have the opportunity to end things as they liked with them being rescued .
A Glee Wind is when they talk about what happened in the episode that just aired.
For Glee's 2nd season, tomorrow (June 8th, 2010)
vocal adrenaline
New episodes of Glee air every Tuesday. The last episode in season two of Glee will air on May 24th, 2011.
The last episode in Season 3- "Goodbye", the Graduation episode
There is no episode on Glee that is named "You Do". However, there is an episode on Glee that is "I Do". S04E14
journey to regionals
Glee sang Summer Nights in season 3 episode Yes/No. It was in the newest episode just last week.
the last one "road to sectionals"
Depending on which day Last Night was!
Since no one was eliminated in episode 9 (Generosity), Hannah was the last one kicked off "The Glee Project" (in "Believability").