The last episode of "Gilligan's Island" ("Gilligan, the Goddess") left the castaways stranded because the series was cancelled and the producers did not have the opportunity to end things as they liked with them being rescued .
Little Buddy
There is no last episode of glee at the moment, the latest episode is season 4 episode 4: The Break Up
The team went their separate ways.
Colonel Potter left his horse Sophie with the children at the orphanage.
roumor hat it that maya dies in the fourth to late episode, and thats why the officer came to emily.
Little Buddy
the very last episode really
The last episode of Survivor Redemption Island will air on Sunday, May 15th, 2011.
You could tally the last episode as "The Last Episode, Really!", or the one hour special, called "Total Drama Drama Drama Island". -Carla520
There is no last episode of glee at the moment, the latest episode is season 4 episode 4: The Break Up
The character's last name is Summers (the actress is Dawn Wells).
it was a rerun of deleted scenes from the show .
It's called "The last one" It's called "The last one"
It's not a CARTOON! It's ANIME!
The team went their separate ways.