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She has the gift of being able to MENTALLY shield anyone of her choosing. If Jacob didn't want to hear what the rest of his pack had to say he would get Bella to shield either all of them or just him and he wouldn't have to hear all the complaining. Edward can't read Bella's mind but... she pushes her shield OUT of her and Edward could hear her.

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14y ago

Bella gets a joint gift from Charlie and Renee for her 18th birthday. They give her a camera and a scrapbook so that she can fill the scrapbook with pictures of her life in forks and send it to Renee.

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she received two tickets for her and Edward to go to Jacksonville

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13y ago

in new moon the gift that carlisle and Esme give Bella is two plane tickets to jacksonville-so Bella and edward can go and visit Bella's mum renee

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a golden locket

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An mp3 player.

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Q: What gift did Bella receive from Carlisle and Esme?
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Whose gift does Bella cut her finger on in new moon?

from Carlisle & Esme

What gift does Esme have in twilight?

the only gift i remember Esme getting is in breaking dawn and the gift was ilse Esme were edward and Bella went for there honeymoon My answer is that Esme dosen't have a gift/talent if you have the book 'Breaking Dawn' there is a vampire index on page 701 and if you look at all the vampires the ones with a star * that means that the vampire has has a gift/talent.

Before her birthday celebration ends in a tragedy what gift did Bella receive from carlise and Esme?

2 Plane tickets for her and Edward to go see her mum.

Who bought the island where Edward and Bella spend their honeymoon?

Edward and Bella Cullen spent their honeymoon on isle Esme whitch is just off the coast of Rio de jenario (i no i spelt that wrong but what is your point). When Edward first tells Bella where they are going he explains that carlisle bought it for Esme as a gift and named it after her. Bella thinks ' only a vampire would get someone an island as a present' and that ' Edwards genorosity was a learned behavior'.

What is Isle Esme in Twilight?

Isle Esme is the Esme's, Edward's adoptive mother, Island that was a gift from her mate, Carlisle. Edward and Bella use this Island for their honeymoon in Breaking Dawn, the fourth book of the series. it a couple miles off the coast of Rio de janero(sp?) a honeymoon destination. READ THE BOOK Ilse Esme is Esme's private island and was given to her by Carlisle

Related questions

What gift did Bella receive off Esme and carlisle?

My mum. They love their gift.

Where did Bella and Edward go on their first date?

Bella and Edward went on their first date to a restaurant called La Bella Italia in the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

What is the name of the island Bella and edward go for honeymoon?

Isle Esme. Carlisle gave it to Esme as a gift. and she let Edward and Bella borrow it.

Whose gift does Bella cut her finger on in new moon?

from Carlisle & Esme

Where Bella and edward spend there honetmoon?

they spent there honey moon at isle Esme a gift from carlisle to Esme .Esme offered to let them borrow her island. It is an amazing little island.

Who gave Esme isle Esme?

Carlisle, for a wedding gift

What gift does Esme have in twilight?

the only gift i remember Esme getting is in breaking dawn and the gift was ilse Esme were edward and Bella went for there honeymoon My answer is that Esme dosen't have a gift/talent if you have the book 'Breaking Dawn' there is a vampire index on page 701 and if you look at all the vampires the ones with a star * that means that the vampire has has a gift/talent.

Why is it called Esme's island?

it is called Esme's island because it was a gift from Carlisle to his wife Esme.

Where was Bella and Edwards hooneymoon at?

Isle Esme, a gift from charsile to Esme

Where was Bella's and Edwards honeymoon at?

It was on Isle Esme off the coast of South America. The island was a gift given to Esme by her husband Carlisle, Edward's adoptive mother and father who are also vampires. The island was totally secluded and had a beautiful house on it.

Before Bella's birthday celebration ends in tragedy what gift did Bella receive from Carlisle and Esme?

In the book Bella opens the rest of her presents in her room with Edward after the party. It is revealed then that the present was plane tickets for her and Edward to go Jacksonville to visit Bella's mother. From what Esme said in the movie before Bella'spaper cut ("Something to brighten your day. Because you've been looking rather pale lately.") I don't think this changed in the movie.

Before her birthday celebration ends in a tragedy what gift did Bella receive from carlise and Esme?

2 Plane tickets for her and Edward to go see her mum.