they went to isle Esme which was a honey moon gift from Esme and carlisle
On a date yes they do. but, Edward ends up with her.
After the attack and Edward saving her, he drives her to the restaurant. There Jessica and Angela leave the two alone. The restaurant where they go into is Bella Italia.
Their first date was at Edward's house. He showed up and told her he was taking her to his parents house.that was only in the the books, Edward and Bella go to dinner in Port Angeles after Edward saves her. it's an Italian restaurant called 'La Bella Italia,'....i think. it differs from the book and the movie, ts very confusing! LOL. anyway Bella orders Mushroom ravioli and a soda, and Edward doesn't eat anything....suspicious? =]La Bella Italia is a real restaurant and it's where their first date was. Here's more info on La Bella Italia: 118 E. 1st. St. | Port Angeles, Washington 98362PHONE (360) 457-5442 | FAX (360) 457-6112
Bella goes out with Edward.
Actually that's where they go after Bella's first hunt. But all they do there is kiss
In Twilight, Bella and Edward go to La Bella Italia.
Bella Italia
Edward gets in naked and Bella hesitates (Who knows why?!) but eventually, she gets in naked too.
Mike asks Bella first during biology class in front of Edward ,then Eric and finally Tyler
technically, yes, but Kristen Stewart (Bella) and Robert Pattinson (Edward) don't REALLY make/go out.
Bella and Edward go to Seattle in Chapter 14 of "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer.
He was with the Denali clan in Canada