power metal
Cat Power (Charlyn Marshall) is 45 years old (birthdate: January 21, 1972).
a sub category of a specific genre. Example Mystery is a genre and detective is a meta genre of the mystery genre.
The prefix sub- means "under," or "lesser." A sub-genre is a genre within a genre, that is a specific category within a more general one. For example, within the genre of Juvenalia, or "children's literature," a sub-genre might be books specifically intended for pre-teen boys.
heist genre
Its a mystery
Sharon Creech's Hate That Cat is a realistic fiction novel in verse.
Fantasy fiction
Fiction, Adventure
power metal
Cat Power is 5' 8".
It's Fiction
power pop
Feline means cat, or cat like. So cat like Power.
where is my love cat power
Cat Power was born on January 21, 1972.