The prefix sub- means "under," or "lesser." A sub-genre is a genre within a genre, that is a specific category within a more general one. For example, within the genre of Juvenalia, or "children's literature," a sub-genre might be books specifically intended for pre-teen boys.
AnswerFiction, with the subgenre Science Fiction, with the subgenre Dystopia.AnswerIt can be classified under Science Fiction Classics, although it is specifically known as a dystopian novel.
Genre floktales subgenre tall tales
A fantasy novel is a genre of literature which features fantastical elements. The stories categorized in this genre often feature mythological creatures and magic. Depending on the type of subgenre the novel is, the setting of the story can be in an alternate universe, the past or even the present. The universal factor in all these stories is, however, the fact that the events that happen in the story could not happen in real life. This drastically separates fantasy from other forms of fiction.
* Hardcore Punk, a heavier, faster version of punk rock ** Post-hardcore, a musical offshoot of hardcore punk. ** Hardcore Dancing, a form of mosh dancing or slam dancing ** Melodic Hardcore, a subgenre that's more melodic than traditional hardcore, Straight edge-refers to a lifestyle that started within the hardcore punk subculture
It mean pearl
If you mean by hardstyle the subgenre in electronic music, then yes.
Subgenre is one word, however, those who doubt how the word is constructed may use a hyphen.
It's a revenge tragedy.
nature writing
Nerdcore is a subgenre of hip hop.
The book "John Henry" falls under the genre of American folktales and its subgenre would be specifically categorized as a tall tale.
nature writingnature writing
She contributed to the development of the gothic subgenre
Miles Davis